Average Customer Rating: 4.0 based on Current Reviews.
06/12/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by chris from IP
hello everybody,,,,it is very simple when ca si ko co mat trong VS nua...once they get popular they would like to go else where to even b more popular...VS is a great place for first time singers to start off and then move on to different places....
06/11/2009     Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Kristy from IP
Trung Tam VanSon is one of my favorite to watch!!!.. the singer to dancer... kich... ALWAYS HOPING to see LIVE SHOW... ayaayyYAY.. finally they coming to ATLANTA !! BUT WHERE IS ANDY QUACH ??????? I LOVE ANDY QUACH!!! didn't C his picture... what happen to him?? can someone let me know???? please...
06/10/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Lynn from IP
Nghe noi Bao Liem & Andy quach ko con trong trung tam VS nua~(sad) minh thich Bao Liem and Andy Quach ma sao VS in Denver lau ra DVD qua' vay chu VS almost 4 months already
06/08/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Diem Nguyen from IP
Chao Trung Tam Van Son va cac ban trong forum. Minh cung la mot trong nguoi viet rat la thich nhung san pham cua Trung Tam Van Son, mang lai. niem vui cung nhung ky niem nho ve que huong. Cuon hay nhat la Trung Tam Van so quy o Vietnam, xu my~ nay tuy day du nhung rat buon va thieu ve the chat cung nhu tinh than do do cac DVD nhac cung la lieu thuoc bo cua tinh than. Minh cung co mot y kien nho hy vong TTVS nghien cuu va co the gop y kien them, Do tinh hinh kinh te hien nay rat toi te, khong nhung cac Trung tam ban nhac Vietnam anh huong, ca nhung cac tay trung tam manh con bi anh huong do suy thoai kinh te, dong thoi tinh trang download, upload khong the kiem tra duoc, vay minh cung xin co y kien, Trung tam VanSon co the ha. gia 1 DVD ca nhac xuong con $10.00, ( Minh ban so nhieu se co loi). Dong thoi trong cac DVD bo vao cac phieu gift card nhu: Gas, Food, Discount for next order product from Vanson Ex; $10.00 Gas Card, $5.00 Discount next order, khong can phai giai thuong $10, 000.00 nhu lan truoc Vanson co dua ra, Chi co $10.00 ba con se khong ngai bo tien tui ra mua DVD bang goc, duoc hinh dep, bao bi, khong mat thoi gian mua bang lau, dong thoi co the giu lam ky~ niem va duoc trung thuong nua. Xong xong do Diem nghi nguoi Vietnam chung ta se ung ho cac trung tam tren.

Cu nghi cach lam bang lau:

Download xuong,

Lam label cho dia DVD, va Case ( Hinh khong dep bang bang goc vi khong print bang laser va ton ink.)

Copy 2 dia phai ton 8 phut

Nguoi so huu dia lau:

Hinh anh khong ro, doi luc khong co hop cong voi cac ca si va muc luc.

Dia lau doi luc bi ngung vi chat luong dia khong tot.

Thinh thoang vut di vao goc nha vi khong co hop.

DVD chi co $3 or $5.00 chuyen nho, giu chi cho chat nha.

06/06/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by michimort from IP
comment below :D

you have too much time on your hands, no offence

van son's coming to melbourne

i ordered my tickets :D

hope the show is awesome, as always

best of luck michelle :L
06/06/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Phong Le from IP
Here is the deal. I've heard of piracy all my life and any business is suffering because of that. However, please do NOT use that as an excuse. If you're not running your business well, you're done. Let's take an example Microsoft loses billions of dollars each year due to piracy and they're still in business for years. All I can advice is to keep fighting for it, don't give up and find innovative ways to maintain, improve, and better your business.

IF YOU'RE OUT OF BUSINESS, I'M NOT SAD and NO ONE IS. All I can say is you're not doing yours well, find something else to do. Here is my advice to VANSON to keep yours going:

1) Find ways to cut cost in this economy
2) Each and every single show has to be memorable from singers to comedians.
3) Capture the market one step at a time such as offering discounts, promotions, lottery, etc... (be unique and innovative -- beat your competitors like THUY NGA, ASIA, etc...)
4) Focus, focus, and focus (This is a big deal at VANSON, Van Son you have to know that you're not a super man -- DELEGATE tasks to others as they will do better)
5) Do you have your 5-year plan? I doubt Van Son doesn't not, big problems. Think ahead of time, buddy!
6) Offering other services around VAN SON shows. e.g: Google is not search only, Microsoft is not OS's only, etc...
7) HIRE the best people, your friends might not be the best employees. "It's all business, nothing personal"
8) I'd like to write more here but I will let you and your people do the rest. Good luck!

i World Cup
06/05/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Hong from IP
Ghet VS vao day chi vay? ca si trung tam Asia, Thuy Nga hong stupid ha? Ngu.
06/04/2009     Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]     posted by lilybui from IP
van son is my second favorite my top is paris by night thuy nga because thuy nga has my favorite singer and good dancer . van son has a fill of my favorite like cat tien ,linda chou and andy quach.and hai kich my favorite is bao liem van son i have all van son dvd and thuy nga dvd is awesome i love you both .
06/04/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Doll from IP
Con mong cac san pham tiep theo cua TTVS lam. Co le do khung hoang kinh te va dich cum AH1N1 nen TTVS cham phat hanh DVD so 42. Khong sao! Fan cua TT co the cho doi duoc ma.
Con yeu bac Viet Thao, chu Van son, chu Bao Liem, anh Andy Quch, chi Cat Tien, co Hong Dao,........ Va nhieu nghe si nua. con cung yeu anh Lam Nguyen nua( his face is so cute).
Cam on TTVS nhieu lam.
I love Van Son entertainment.
05/31/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by mai phuong from IP
Hi anh VS, "tui" cung muon hoi bao gio trung tam anh co the ghe ngang Seattle. Con "tui" con nho nen ko the di du nhung show cua trung tam o cac tieu bang khac. Rat hy vong anh co the ve day mot chuyen

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