Average Customer Rating: 4.0 based on Current Reviews.
06/26/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Thanh Nguyen from IP
Chao anh Do Huu Hoang.

Toi khong dong y voi y kien cua anh. Nuoc My tu do, minh cung dang dau tranh cho ba con trong nuoc duoc tu do. Neu ma minh cu cam phan doi nhung gi minh khong muon nghe hay la nhung gi khong cung chinh kien cua minh thi minh co khac gi Viet Cong? Minh co chinh nghia thi so gi bi tuyen truyen? Nhung nguoi ma bi anh huong boi tuyen truyen cua Viet Cong moi la dang trach. Theo y kien cua toi, phim cua Viet Cong thi cu viet cho chieu, nhung coi hay khong la quyen tu do cua anh.
06/25/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Kelly from IP
Love Van Son, Your biggest fan I would said, always buy your DVD.... good quality too.

Uh, I thought it a place to write review haha it funny how everyone start their own topic on here. even bring up the Viet Cong stuff, it too hilarious. We should talk about entertainment not politic people. Beside, that had nothing to do this anyway. It too funny to see such comment on here.
06/24/2009     Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Do Huu Hoang from IP
Chao Van Son,

Toi rat ung ho nhung chuong trinh DVD va CD cua Van Son, toi luon luon mua bang goc de coi.

Nhung hom nay toi co coi chuong trinh Coffe Break tren dai TV VHN, Van Son da phat bieu ve van de chieu phim Viet Cong tren dai TV Viet Nam o dat nuoc My.
Van Son, dat My Tu-Do, minh muon lam gi cung duoc, muon chieu phim gi cung duoc, nhung neu la nguoi My noi van de nay toi khong buon, nhung Van Son la nguoi Viet Nam da tung bo nuoc ra di vi Cong San Viet Nam, va gio nay Dong bao cua chung ta o Viet Nam cung chua duoc Tu-Do, vi vay van de chieu phim cua Viet Cong tren dat My can phai suy nghi that ky, dung phat bieu van de nay mot cach bua bai va vo trach nhiem, dung de chung toi tay chai nhung tac pham cua Van Son.

Co le tu nay toi va nhung nguoi ban cua toi se khong tiep tuc ung ho Van Son nua, toi biet Van Son cung chang can. Thoi thi de Cong San Viet Nam Tu-Do support Van-Son,

Do Huu Hoang
06/23/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Xx Flippin Chick xX from IP
Hey guyes, i don't know if you know about this or not but the DVD Van Son in Denver will be release on July 4, 2009. So don't u worry. Later y'all. p.s. I LUV U VAN SON!!!!
06/22/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by ilovevietmusic from IP
I love watching VS, so please keep making more shows. I love seeing Andy Quach, Cat Tien, and Linda Chou sing. Oh yeah, i also love MC Viet Thao, he is hilarious. YOU GO VIET THAO!!
06/22/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by lalala88 from IP
I love your productions and documentaries. Its a great idea for any entertainment! You guys did a great jobs with choosing cast and theme. I hope you can keep up with the great work! Forget about those ppl with bad comments! We will always support you!
06/22/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Daniel Phan from IP
Van Son,I know you could try other things in everywhere in live show with your hosted: Viet Thao and your Artist Friends.In fact, I like it too.
06/14/2009     Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Comerdy Lover from IP
Dear VS ent. and view friends:
I dont mind what you guys think about VS, 'cause every one had ther own opinion! But What I know is VS is a great show with many comerdy, and great singer! Most of Singer I like were successed by VS Ent. help them out! B4 I used to like PBN much, but now I dont think so! For the new DVD VS in Denver, I agree with everybody it's take too long to come out! But VS missing Bao Liem and Andy Quach is just normal, not all DVD of VS had all singer, then just cuoper Singer missing are the new Way of VS Ent., it must be a new ID to make the viewer wonder and wanna see what happen it futre! So Please help out all the Music Entertainment (especail VS) by buy a regular DVD (little expensive then the copy) but it help those Music Entertainment going up and come out more DVD for us to watch!
06/13/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by ... from IP
Nghe noi la andy quach thang 7 se ve Viet Nam, toi song o viet nam va se duoc xem andy quach dien, nhung toi khong dong y cach cu xu cua trung tam van son doi voi andy quach va chu bao liem.
06/12/2009     Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]     posted by kristy from IP
BUT ANDY QUACH IS VERY POPULAR IN VANSON.... If he goes to another ENT it would be harder to stand out... bczu there are so many diff singer out there... BUT ANDY is SOOOOoo WELL know in VS... my whole REASON TO WATCH VS is BECAUSE OF HImmmmmmmmmmm..... snifffffff

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