Average Customer Rating: 4.0 based on Current Reviews.
07/05/2009     Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Kristy from IP
Em luc nao van mua bang chin cua anh va coi di coi lai rat nhieu lan. Em mua bang cua anh de coi va mu bang asia & Paris by night de cho ba va me cua Em. Em rat that vong ve bang vs42 tai vi anh khong cho bang pass forward khi quang cao, Cong them noi dung ngon ngu rat ha cap. Sau khi lam viet o hospital ve em hay coi bang cua anh va nhat la phan phong su. Anh cam thay the nao neu anh coi bang hon 3 lan nhung lan nao cung phai coi quan cao. Em luc truoc thich anh la mot nguoi rat yeu viet lam cua anh nhung lan nay sau khi coi bang vs42 cua anh em khong con cam thay anh nhu vay nua...just business!
Nhung nguoi mua bang sang lai thi van mua bang San lai.... Nhung neu mot nguoi nguong mo anh trong vong 8 nam qua khong con thich xem bang vs ...Em cam thay vs42 rat ha cap.
07/04/2009     Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]     posted by LYNDA from IP
Dear Van Son,

i've always enjoyed all your VS videos. i live in ohio and was happened to be in Califorina last month and couldn't wait to go see Trung Tam Van Son, and was about to buy the hai collection and was going to pre-order the VS collection too. but i didn't cuz when i was at Trung Tam VS, the sale woman had follow me like i was about to steal something. i was very unhappy with your sale lady. if i wanted to steal anything from Trung Tam VS i can do it with a click of a mouse. sorry VS.
07/04/2009     Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]     posted by musicsfan from IP
Why ask people to write review and then delele it? I wrote twice with bad review and my reviews were deleted? I bought VS since VS & HL 1 to the latest. But VS really behaves badly on this DVD. I will stop buying for a foreseeable future.
07/04/2009     Rating: 3 of 5 Stars! [3 of 5 Stars!]     posted by lve87 from IP
why is the DOCUMENTARY in van son 42 sold seprately from van? son 42

will tai linh? be in van son entertainment from now on?
07/04/2009     Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]     posted by was a loyal viewer!!!! from IP
Very 'unhappy' about the VS 42. No documentary at the end, instead to find out that it's on a different DVD which cost another $10!!! come on now!!! Felt cheated!!!! it's kind of false advertisment, as one is expecting the documenatry part to be at the end of the disc, like another other VS!! Will never buy another VS again!!!! Thanks for ruining it for us!!! We lived an hour and a half from a vietnamese store!! travel far to get VS 42 for nothing!!!! Wasted $25!!!
07/04/2009     Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]     posted by i hate you vanson from IP
i never buy your original DVD next time and in the future.
07/03/2009     Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Huong Bui from IP
Uhm! coi Van Son tu tuan truoc rui nhung hom nay moi len comment day. van Son lan nay ko hay chut nao. Ko co Bao Liem buon muon chet. Hope to see him in next time..............
07/01/2009     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by THANGROM from IP
Chao Tat Ca,

Chac Cac Ban Da~ Coi Xong Cuon Vanson 42 Dvd 3 Phong Su, Luc Vietthao, Vanson Va 2 Nguoi Quay Phim Vao Cai Hotel De Quay Ma!!! Moi Dau Minh Coi Thi Cung Khong Thay Gi Het, Thang Rom Nay Coi Ve Nhung Tiec Muc Phim Ma Nhieu Lam , Nen Thay Rat Nhieu. Cac Ban. Xem Ky~ Lai. Trong Doan 4 Nguoi Vanson, Vietthao, 2 Nguoi Quay Phim Cung Chung Trong Mot Phong, Luc Vanson La Len, Va Cai Cua Tu Mo~...neu Cac Ban Quay Cham Lai Sao Luc Vanson La Len Cac Ban Se Thay Mot Cai Orbit Mau Trang Xuat Hien Sao Lung Cua Vanson Ngay Gan Cai Cua Truoc Khi Viet Thao Dung Len Mo Cai Den, Sao Do Thay Ro Hon Neu Cac Coi Lai Nguoi Quay Phim Ngoi Tren Giuong....

Cac Ban Se Thay Mot Cai Orbit Mau Trang Bay Thang Toi Ngay Cai Den Ma Cho Vanson Ngoi.

Thuong Thuong Cac Ban Se Thay Ma Bang Nhung Cai Orbit Mau Trang, Nho, Bu Tuy Thuoc, Ich Khi Nao Thay Bong Nguoi, Vi Khi Ma Cho Do Vat Di Dong, Hoac Cua Mo Thi Dung Enery Rat Nhieu, Va Lay Tu Enery Cua Nguoi Song Ngay Trong Do Boi Vay Cac Ban Thay Tai Sao Con Nguoi Minh Lanh., Con Ma Hien Ra Hinh Bong, La Khi Nguoi Do Chet Rat Lau, Va Cho Do La Noi Ma Nguoi Chet Do Xuat Hien Thuong Xuyen Vi Du : Cho Di Lam, Phong Ngu Hoac Mot Noi Nao Do Luc Ho. Song Thuong Xuyen Di Toi Hoac Noi Ma Ho. Bi Chet Oan.

Co Thay Ma Ngoai Doi Thiet Hay Chua Thi Thangrom Cung Chua Thay, Nhung Ai Muon Thay, Gan Co Nao Thay Xong Dai' Me Trong Quan Roi...hahaha
06/30/2009     Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Atlanta from IP
What's the hell happen with VS42 on 2nd DVD no document?
06/30/2009     Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Kevin from IP
I was very disappointed also because VSon did not have the "phong su" at the end. I felt betrayed and cheated by VSon and also by the store I purchased the DVD. It is the store at Dong Khanh restaurant in Bolsa.
I will never buy VSon original DVD any more.

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