Average Customer Rating: 2.4 based on Current Reviews. |
09/21/2003 Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]   posted by mmmmmmmmmmmmmmv from IP |
Van Son still sucks. |
09/21/2003 Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]   posted by Anoymnously from IP |
the one thing that i especially like about this show is the music... they have better music in this videos than any other van son videos. overally, a very enjoyable video.... |
09/19/2003 Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]   posted by Buddy from IP |
i agree QM and HD perform best compare to others, looking back to Thu Tuyet and Nguyen Duong...gash like crap and very very vo duyen luon. |
09/18/2003 Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]   posted by te`o from IP |
May nguoi noi gi kho nghe qua vay? I thinks hoa hau ky rat dep, Diana is the uglyest girl in the whole world. All the girl answer were not good but that OK b/c they not born in VN and their Vietnamese were not good, but Miss Viet Nam is the most beautyful girl in Van Son. Whatever they talk behind state, i don't listen b/c maybe those were the girl talk. |
09/18/2003 Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]   posted by tram linh from IP |
always the same thing....Hoa hau..
che linh and Truong vu...my gosh they duet at least 2 times already...they are good but can't be move on.????geez.. |
09/18/2003 Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]   posted by NguyenNgocNgan from IP |
NamLoc mang tieng la ban giam khao chinh trong cuoc thi HoaHau VN TheGioi tai My lan nay,nhung noi thiet,tat ca 10 nguoi dai dien trong ban giam khao,chang co ai hieu biet gi ve sac dep va van hoa cua nguoi Vn het.Cung chinh vi the nen ket qua cua cuoc thi nay moi chang ra he^. tho^´ng cô´ng rañh gi ca...tu truoc den gio toi chua he thay cuoc thi HoaHau nao ma sau hau truong san khau lai cai nhau,gay lô.n va khoc loc the nay het.Theo toi,tot nhat nhung nguoi khong biet thuong thuc sac dep cua phu nu Vn minh,nen de.p nghe ban giam khao,de nghi chuyen ngay sang nghe do.n de.p ve sinh công cô.ng,hoac nghe nails cho My dden con co ly hon.Ngoai ra,neu VanSon co`n co^´ ti`nh muon to chuc 1 cuoc thi Hoahau mai sau nay,xin lien lac truc tiep voi ThuyNga va toi(NguyenNgocNgan)....chung toi se... nguoi dda.i dien sang da.y giúp 1 khóa ho.c, dde^? trau dôì them kien thuc ve Phaí Dde.p Phu Nu VN minh.Sau cung,neu muon chuong trinh duoc thú vi. va hâ´p dâñ ho*n,toi day se hy sinh lam MC dieu khien chuong trinh,thay the cho MC vô duyen VietThao ddê. bét ok! |
09/17/2003 Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]   posted by CUBI from IP |
Video na`y dda'ng le~ tui cho 3 sao, nhu*ng bi. tu.t xuo^'ng co`n 1 sao, vi` ca'i die^~n tuo^`ng of Ho^`ng DDa`o va` Quang Minh, ca(.p na`y sao ma` ca`ng nga`y ca`ng vo^ duye^n, re? tie^`n chu*a tu*`ng tha^'y, tui ma` co' con vo*. vo^ duye^n nhu* con me. Ho^`ng DDa`o na`y, cha('c tui bo'p co^? no' che^'t qua'...thie^.t la` tro* tre~n, ma(.t tro* tra'n bo'ng...pha?i no'i la` DDa.i Vo^ Duye^n, uo^?ng tie^`n |
09/17/2003 Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]   posted by Comment from IP |
People have their own values individually according to their thoughts, their actions, how they live in their lives. The judgements are not only to the performance in this video, but also to these reviewers. |
09/15/2003 Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]   posted by nobody from IP |
Hong biet co hay hong? nhung hinh dep bia dep lam! |
09/15/2003 Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]   posted by Cung tien cho Van Son from IP |
Muon lam hoa hau thi HO LO thi duoc thoi, dau co ban giam khoa nao ranh ma cham diem khong ??? khong ho lo khong phai VN ma, dung la ............ Lo an tien ma khong coi mat |