Average Customer Rating: 2.4 based on Current Reviews.
10/17/2003     Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]     posted by tuylelele from IP
Agatha ate a lot of bananas to win that crown, totally unfair.
10/12/2003     Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]     posted by love it from IP
This video is pertty good ...it aint dat bad...love cat tien, tam doan, minh tri, viet thi, n nguyen thang...
10/12/2003     Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]     posted by Michelle from IP
This video sucks bigggggg time. Especially Cat Tien! Van Son need better singer and new ideas! Toujour la me^me chose!
10/10/2003     Rating: 3 of 5 Stars! [3 of 5 Stars!]     posted by K from IP
DDang le minh o thich van son lam, ddinh mua ddo chu, nhung thay ky nay co thi hoa hau cho nen o mua thoi. may co gai ddo len thi lam gi cho mac mat them thoi, thi ma o ra cai dong' gi het a` hopefully lan sau VS se lam tot hon, vi du nhu travel qua Hong Kong quay phim. luc ddo se moi me hon nhieu.
10/09/2003     Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]     posted by hanh phuc from IP
cuon vidfeo nay khong hay chut nao het! Hoa hau gi ma len san khau nguong ngiu thay khong giong chut nao! Co Y LAN hat ok thoi.
10/06/2003     Rating: 3 of 5 Stars! [3 of 5 Stars!]     posted by tuan from IP
wow did cat tien look great and the song was good to.nha thanh sang great and Tam doan did 2 .Over all not bad video
10/06/2003     Rating: 3 of 5 Stars! [3 of 5 Stars!]     posted by ba Bich Ngoc chon hoa thu'i from IP
Ca si Tam Doan map u nhin thay ghe diem xuat khong hay kich Hong dao vo duyen do te. Muon tro thanh hoa hau thi lien lac ba Bich Ngoc, de biet them chi tiec cach chung tien. tham my dien bi e^' nen gia ba Bich Ngoc lam them nghe thi hoa hau de an tien ho^' lo^. de lai cho cac con lam vo^'n
10/04/2003     Rating: 3 of 5 Stars! [3 of 5 Stars!]     posted by vanson rules from IP
Van son is a very good production but too much hoa hau stuff bored. Cat Tien, Nguyen Thang da bomb.. But Nguyen Thang needs to cut his hair man..Tam Doan very pretty.
10/04/2003     Rating: 3 of 5 Stars! [3 of 5 Stars!]     posted by vanson rules from IP
Van son is a very good production but too much hoa hau stuff bored. Cat Tien, Nguyen Thang da bomb.. But Nguyen Thang needs to cut his hair man..Tam Doan very pretty.
10/04/2003     Rating: 3 of 5 Stars! [3 of 5 Stars!]     posted by ma from IP
Cat Tien looks like Janet Jackson back in the 80s. The song was okay.

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