Average Customer Rating: 2.4 based on Current Reviews. |
09/02/2003 Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]   posted by hoa hau 2003 from IP |
that rite hoa hau ma ko thich mac ao dai vay dau co phai la nguoi vietnam dau. ung xu thi cung ko hay vay ma duoc lam hoa hau ko cong bang gi het a |
09/02/2003 Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]   posted by tini from IP |
to^i kho^ng thi'ch ke^'t qua? of cuo^.c thi hoa ha^.u vi` co^ hoa ha^.u la` nguo`i VN nhu*ng la.i tuye^n bo^' kho^ng thi'ch a'o da`i?!?! va` ca'c co^ thi' sinh thi` no'i xa^'u, ga^y lo^.n tu`m lum, co' pha?i dda^y la` bie^?u tuo.ng of ne't dde.p nguo`i con ga'i VN nuo'c ngoa`i hay kho^ng?? Ke^'t qua? kho^ng co^ng ba(`ng |
09/02/2003 Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!]   posted by Mai Nguyen from IP |
I should have listened to my friend and not bought the video! waste my $30 bucks. The pageant was all set up...I have to admit, there were many beautiful girls however, the crown should belongs to 1st runner up....music sucks big time... |
09/02/2003 Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]   posted by Nu cuoi muon thuo? from IP |
hai van son do et chan co hay ho gi het do' may nguoi nao co' ve viet nam coi hai o viet nam thi phai noi la cuoi te' lan bo luon con ben day hai sao ma noi that mat goc chan co gi la hay ho het' khong co' y'nghi? moi me? tao cho nguoi ta co' cai gi de? ma thu hut chi biet lam ra de thu tien thoi khong hieu ? khan ' gia gi het |
09/02/2003 Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]   posted by TVL from IP |
I loved Lien Khuc Bui Doi cua Truong Vu va Che Linh. It was the best song. I hope LK Bui Doi and LK Nho Nguoi Yeu come out on Cd sooooonnn!!!!.... The video was good and i liked the Nha Thanh and Tam Doan performances. The Hoa Hau part got kind of boring at the start because there were soooo many contestants. I really wanted #6 to win. lol.... All in all good, but not great video. Bye |
09/02/2003 Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]   posted by baokhanh from IP |
chuong trinh nay phan ca nhac do et,chi co hai cua QM va HD la hay thoi...ket qua chon hoa hau kohng cong bang |
09/01/2003 Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]   posted by hoangphi from IP |
i thought the video was great love nguyen thang song |
09/01/2003 Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]   posted by ... from IP |
Without PhiNhung&ManhQuynh, VanSon is less "se^'n". |
09/01/2003 Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]   posted by U't Tho.t from IP |
Hoa Ha^.u hoai..cha'n chi't ba`, ca'i cuon hoa ha^.u kia coi roi, bay gio hoa ha^.u nua, thiet ti`nh ca'i cha VAN SON luon...la`m mot la^`n thoi, la`m hoai cha'n chi't ba`... |
09/01/2003 Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]   posted by THANH HUNG from IP |