Average Customer Rating: 4.2 based on Current Reviews. |
06/07/2004 Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]   posted by vansonfan from IP |
Nen mua Bien Nho3 va Thuy Nga phai khong ? |
06/07/2004 Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]   posted by khong nen mua from IP |
MC khong ra hon, nhac hat nho la ngoai qua |
06/07/2004 Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]   posted by vansonfan from IP |
Why you're so MAD with VS27 ? Is it hurt you ? Be cool and be polite. |
06/07/2004 Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]   posted by vansonfan from IP |
Cool down Dummy. |
06/07/2004 Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]   posted by dummy from IP |
what a ghetto......! songs are OLD, not too many singers, the stage needs some more light....van son on stage for many times....etc. 1 word for this product...BAD |
06/06/2004 Rating: [2 of 5 Stars!]   posted by honesty from IP |
Noi chung, DVD nay cung duoc nhung anh sang va san khau thi co phan te, nhac chon loc thi khong duoc hay lam, MC nhin khong duoc dung dan nhay toi nhay lui nhu con khi mac phong vay. Chi co phan kich "Vo oi la vo" thi hay thoi (5 stars). |
06/06/2004 Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]   posted by Vanson Fan from IP |
Theo thang VIETMINH,Video VS cai gi cung do, thi du biet thang nay o trung tam nao roi. Vo day noi bay noi ba. |
06/06/2004 Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]   posted by myna from IP |
OMG I LOVE THIS VIDEO!! especialy dah comedy VO OI LA VO..oMG i laughed SOoOoo muCh!!! GOODJOB to 3 of YoOh!!! yayyerz! and CAt Tien ish soo CUTE wid andy Quach! u guys are dah BEST..MINH TRI"S SONG TOUCHED MAH HEART!! GooD joB!! i totally LOVE It! kinda dizappointed in VIet Thi..dah way she dressed was toO...NO ComMent on hER! but yeAh! NGUYEn THang was soOoo BOMB!! kEep up dah EXCELLENT WORK!! m uR fan 4EveR and EvER! |
06/06/2004 Rating: [1 of 5 Stars!]   posted by VIETMINH from IP |
Troi oi cuon Video nay qua do di. San khau ca anh den sao ma toi thuoi a, va kich ban thi qua do. Con MC Viet Thao lam giong nhu la thang my den Rapper. After all, this video sucks. |
06/05/2004 Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]   posted by HA from IP |
tui khoai nhat la xem Viet Thao gioi thieu Little Saigon . Ong an nhin ngon wa ... yummy !!! |
Displaying 61 to 70 (of 132 reviews) | Pages: <...678910...> |